Oerknal presents engaging, thought-provoking musical experiences at the highest technical and expressive level. Every member of Oerknal is committed to sharing the music we perform with as many people as possible. As a non-profit arts organization our ability to present events and concerts depends in large part on donations from supportive individuals like you.
If you are a lover of contemporary music, a person who believes in the importance of art in society, and/or a supporter of the cultural sector, we welcome your donations and philanthropic support. Any and all support is hugely appreciated!
Individuals like you are integral in shaping and maintaining a culture in which the arts are funded in a healthy, sustainable way; a culture in which the arts play a vital and dynamic role in society; a culture in which we collectively ensure that new music remains vibrant, vivacious, and diverse. If you are not in a position to give financially, there are many other ways to show your support – bring your friends to one of our concerts, follow us on social media, send us ideas for programs or collaborations you’d like to see – get involved and engaged! Simple, substantive gestures go a long way.
If this has piqued your interest and you would like to make a financial donation to Oerknal via Paypal please click on the "Donate" button below for more information. If you are interested in donating directly to Oerknal or discussing options for tax exempt donations, please send us an email at info@oerknal.org
Support Oerknal
Other ways to support Oerknal:
- Follow us on social media. Click on the links in the footer below to get to our Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages.
- Sign up for our newsletter and keep up to date with the latest Oerknal concert and performance information. Click here and send us a message!